It’s important to talk to your doctor if you suffer from low blood sugar. You’d be surprised at how some diet changes can help ease your sugar cravings. In fact, that’s part of the reason why the expert team at Silver Maple Recovery provides healthy meals for patients. From brain chemistry to low blood sugar, we’ll explore the reasons you might get sugar cravings when you quit drinking, and what keeping a healthy balance looks like.

A replacement addiction (also called a transfer addiction) is when you quit one addictive behavior but feel like you need to replace it with something else. In this case, your mind and body are tempted to replace alcohol with sugar. When your blood sugar is low, it’s natural for your body to crave sweets to counteract it. Even if you indulge and give your body sugar to level out, it won’t solve the issue long term.

Sugar intake and craving during alcohol withdrawal in alcohol use disorder inpatients

This can include weight gain, an increased risk of developing diabetes, and a decrease in the body’s ability to absorb important vitamins and minerals. Too much sugar can also lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which can cause a number of other health issues. When someone is addicted to alcohol, the body becomes dependent on it for energy, so it starts to crave sugar for quick energy. Alcohol is a depressant and will slow down the metabolism and cause fatigue, which can make the body crave sugar for a quick energy boost. Alcohol also depletes the body of important vitamins and minerals, which can cause cravings for sugary foods. Additionally, alcohol can increase stress levels, which can also lead to craving sugary snacks.

  • While sugar cravings might make you feel good initially, read on to learn why they aren’t always good for recovering alcoholics.
  • It’s really easy to eat (or overeat) sweets without realizing it — especially, Czerwony notes, if you’re grazing or mindlessly snacking.
  • But because sugar alcohols aren’t completely absorbed, if you eat too many you might get gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
  • It is a good idea for them to talk with a doctor so that they thoroughly understand the risks involved.

This can make you feel tired, irritable and hungrier than usual. Moreover, excessive alcohol intake can damage the liver’s ability to regulate blood glucose levels by reducing insulin sensitivity. Consequently, this leads to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and may cause further sugar cravings.

Songs About Addiction & Recovery

One of the many problems with alcohol abuse is that most of your caloric intake comes from the amount of alcohol you consume daily. This means that most people who stop drinking haven’t gotten their full nutritional value for an extended period. Eating healthy foods provides your body with important nutrients it’s likely missing due to drinking. Besides eating healthy, it’s also best to avoid high-sugar products, such as highly processed foods.

why do alcoholics crave sugar

While replacement rewards are a viable strategy incorporated into most treatment methods, they do not address the root cause of addictive disorders. To fully resolve the root causes of addiction, you need professional support. Consuming too much sugar on a daily basis can lead to weight gain, tooth decay, gut dysbiosis, skin problems, and type 2 diabetes. The strategy of using sugar to help drug cravings should be used temporarily and in moderation. You may have heard that alcohol breaks down into sugar in the body, but this isn’t exactly true. Alcoholism is a complex condition that involves physical dependence on alcohol as well as psychological factors.

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