Water is the basic element of the textile and apparel industry’s production. However, most of the Bangladeshi apparel industries are using groundwater in the different production processes. Manufacturing units are using unlimited pure groundwater and if it continues, no doubt there will be the biggest natural disaster and ecological imbalance that may end up human existence on Earth.
Rainwater harvesting project
Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to run off. The concept is one of the simplest and oldest methods of self-supply of water for households or industrial use.
Usually, the country those are having huge rainfall can run the project most effectively. Bangladesh though is not in a row with enough rainfall in the season, but the harvesting project can contribute to saving the environment.
To run the project divided it into three segments –
1. Average normal rainfall calculation in Bangladesh (mm).
2. Rainwater harvesting plan.
3. Rainwater harvesting model.
Average normal rainfall calculation in Bangladesh
The project was designed and constructed based on the forecast and the average rainfall of Bangladesh particularly in the Dhaka division area where the factory is situated.
The three Rain Water Harvesting Tanks (RWH Tanks) are made of concrete in three chambers to collect the water. The location of the tank has been selected carefully to ensure the utilization of available space. The RWH Tanks are designed in a unique way as a new structure can easily makeover this concrete structure.
Rainwater harvesting model
The harvesting model is to store rainwater and process by process complete them to ready for mass production. Generally, rainwater is safe and more cost-effective to purify and use in production than to uplift underground water which is purified by multiple processes. Rainwater harvesting allows collecting a large amount of rooftop water which is free from any contaminations.
Groundwater needs to be gone through a water treatment plant (WTP) which needs a setup and chemicals. Also, certain capacity submersible water pumps and electricity are needed to extract the groundwater.