Procedure or Steps of Environmental Clearance Certificate in Bangladesh.

You may ask, how to get environmental clearance certificate in BangladeshSteps or procedure of environmental clearance certificate in Bangladesh is relatively easy. If you have proper guideline of environmental clearance certificate, you will must obtain it from Department of Environment (Bangladesh).

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Required Documents for Environment Clearance Certificate

  • An Application has to be submitted through prescribed form-3 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997
  • Location Map
  • Scheduled map mentioning Dag Khatian
  • Trade License
  • In addition, TIN and VAT certificate
  • Finally, Rent Agreement

Additional Documents:

  • Bank statement or Bank Solvency Certificate
  • No Objection Certificate from local authority (Ward Commissioner or Chairman)
  • Lay-out Plan
  • thereafter, Registration Certificate of Board of Investment/BISIC (Where applicable)
  • Fire License (Where applicable)
  • Furthermore, Initial Environment Examination Report (IEE) (Where applicable)
  • Process flow diagram on official pad (To be mentioned Pollution Points)
  • In addition, Diagram of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) (Where applicable)
  • Finally, Treasury Challan in favor of Director General of Department of Environment account being No. 1 – 4541 – 0000 – 2681. 

Please, click here to see the list of Required Documents for environment license.

Step by Step General Process for Environmental Clearance:

Step 1: Submit application with supporting documents.
Step 2: Verification of application and supporting documents by DOE
Step 3: thereafter, Inspection by the authorized officer after verification of all report and documents. [Then make decision about the clearance (Only Green and Orange-A)]
Step 4: Subsequently, Meeting of Environmental Clearance Committee (for Orange-B and Red Category)
Step 5: Finally, Decision

Different Categories of Industrial Units for Environmental Clearance Certificate.

It is mandatory to obtain Environmental Clearance for each and every type of industry and project as per Bangladesh Environment Conservation Act, 1995 (Amended 2010). For the purpose of issuance of Environmental Clearance Certificate, the industrial units and projects shall, in consideration of their site and impact on the environment, be classified into the following four categories:
• Green
• Red

Environmental Clearance Certificate’s shall be issued to all existing industrial units and projects and to all proposed industrial units and projects falling in the Green Category. For industrial units and projects falling in the Orange-A, Orange-B, first a Site Clearance Certificate and thereafter an Environmental Clearance Certificate shall be issued. In case of Red category industries, firstly a Location Clearance Certificate, then Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) approval and thereafter an Environmental Clearance Certificate shall be issued. Provided that the Director General may issue Environmental Clearance Certificate directly without issuing a location clearance certificate for the first time if he deems it appropriate to issue such certificate to the industrial unit or project. To find the application form, please click here

The entrepreneur of the concerned industrial unit or project shall apply to the concerned Divisional Officer of the Department in a certain Form along with appropriate fees as specified in Schedule given. Find the schedule here.

Documents Required for Different Categories of Industrial Units or Projects for Environmental Clearance Certificate.

1. Green Category: Documents Required for Green Category for Environmental Clearance Certificate.

  1. Application through prescribed form-3 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997
  2. Prescribed fees under schedule-13 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997 (Amended 2002)
  3. General information about the industrial unit or project;
  4. Exact description of the raw materials and the manufactured product; and
  5. No objection certificate (Prescribed Form) from the local authority

2. Orange-A Category: Documents Required for Orange-A Category for Environmental Clearance Certificate.

  1. Application through prescribed form-3 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997
  2. Prescribed fees under schedule-13 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997 (Amended 2002)
  3. General information about the industrial unit or project;
  4. Exact description of the raw materials and the manufactured product;
  5. No objection certificate (Prescribed Form) from the local authority;
  6. Process flow diagram;
  7. Layout Plan (showing location of Effluent Treatment Plant);
  8. Effluent discharge arrangement;
  9. Outlines of the plan for relocation, rehabilitation (if applicable);
  10. Other necessary information (if applicable);

3. Orange-B Category: Documents Required for Orange-B Category for Environmental Clearance Certificate.

  1. Application through prescribed form-3 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997
  2. Prescribed fees under schedule-13 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997 (Amended 2002)
  3. Report on the feasibility of the industrial unit or project (applicable only for proposed industrial unit or project)
  4. Report on the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
  5. Process Flow Diagram
  6. Layout Plan (showing location of Effluent Treatment Plant)
  7. Design of the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
  8. Report on the Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
  9. No objection certificate (Prescribed Form) from the local authority
  10. Emergency plan relating adverse environmental impact and plan for mitigation of the effect of pollution
  11. Outline of the relocation, rehabilitation plan (where applicable)
  12. Other necessary information (where applicable)

4. Red Category: Documents Required for Red Category for Environmental Clearance Certificate.

  1. Application through prescribed form-3 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997
  2. Prescribed fees under schedule-13 under Environment Conservation Rules 1997 (Amended 2002)
  3. Report on the feasibility of the industrial unit or project (applicable only for proposed industrial unit or project)
  4. Report on the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) relating to the industrial unit or project, and also the terms of reference (ToR) for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the unit or the project and its Process Flow Diagram; 


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report prepared on the basis of terms of reference previously approved by the Department of Environment, along with the Layout Plan (showing location of Effluent Treatment Plant), Process Flow Diagram, design and time schedule of the Effluent Treatment Plant of the unit or project, (these are applicable only for a proposed industrial unit or project);

  1. Report on the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the industrial unit or project, and also the Process Flow Diagram, Layout Plan (showing location of Effluent Treatment Plant), design and information about the effectiveness of the Effluent Treatment Plan of the unit or project (these are applicable only for an existing industrial unit or project);
  2. Process Flow Diagram (showing location of Effluent Treatment Plant)
  3. Layout Plan (showing location of Effluent Treatment Plant)
  4. Design and Time Schedule of the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
  5. No objection certificate (Prescribed Form) of the local authority
  6. Emergency plan relating adverse environmental impact and plan for mitigation of the effect of pollution
  7. Outline of relocation, rehabilitation plan (where applicable)
  8. Other necessary information (where applicable)

IEE and EIA is needed to get Environmental Clearance for a planned project. It is very important to obtain Environmental Clearance Certificate from Department of Environment (DOE) for doing a long term successful business.Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) is an initial environmental examination, and it is a preliminary small study to see if a project harms the environment while the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) is a full assessment of the effects of the project on the environment.

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) can be defined as the systematic identification and evaluation of the potential impacts (effects) of proposed projects, plans, programs, or legislative actions, relative to the physical–chemical, biological, cultural, and socioeconomic components of the environment.Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is the process by which the anticipated effects on the environment of a proposed development or project are measured. If the likely effects are unacceptable, design measures or other relevant mitigation measures can be taken to reduce or avoid those effects.

Time Frame for Environmental Clearance Certificate in BD.



Site Clearance

Environmental Clearance




15 Days



30 Days

15 Days



60 Days

30 Days



60 Days

30 Days

Upon receiving Location Clearance Certificate under rules, the entrepreneur

(a) May undertake activities for land development and infrastructure development,

(b) May install machinery including ETP (applicable for industrial units or projects of Orange-A and Orange-B Category only),

(c) Shall apply for Environmental Clearance Certificate upon completion of the activities specified, and, without the Environmental Clearance Certificate, shall not have gas line connection, and shall not start trial production in the industrial unit, and in other cases shall not operate the project (applicable for Orange-A and Orange-B Category industrial units or projects only),

(d) Shall submit for approval of the Department the EIA report prepared on the basis of program outlined in IEE Report along with time schedule and ETP design (applicable only for Red Category industrial units or projects).

After EIA is approved, the entrepreneur –

(a) May open L/C for importing machineries which shallinclude machineries relating to ETP; and

(b) Shall, after installation of ETP, apply for Environmental Clearance Certificate without which he shall not have gas line connection and shall not start trial production in case of an industrial unit, and in other cases shall not start operation of the project.

Government Fee Schedule:

Fees payable under these Rules shall be deposited with the Bangladesh Bank or a Government Treasury by a Treasury Chalan in favour of the Director General under the Head 1 – 4541 – 0000 – 2681. Please, click here to see the list of fees.

Renewal Process and Fee of Environmental Clearance Certificate in BD

The period of validity of an Environmental Clearance Certificate shall be, in case of Green Category, 3 years from the date of its issuance and in all other cases 1 year. Each Environmental Clearance Certificate has to be applied for renewal at least thirty (30) days before expiry.

Renewal Fee is 1/4th of Environmental Clearance Fees.